VIP Class Notes (Nemo)

nickname (n)绰号
E.g.: Do you have any nicknames?
E.g.:  Jesse’s nickname is Dahuzi

Earth (n): 1-also Earth , also the Earth世界;地球 the world; the planet that we live on
E.g.: the planet Earth地球这颗行星
E.g.: Our planet is called Earth

World (n): 1-世界
E.g.:travelling (all over) the world周游世界
E.g.: a map of the world 世界地图
E.g.: English is spoken all around the world

Planet (n): 1-行星 a large round object in space that moves around a star (such as the sun) and receives light from it
E.g.: the planets of our solar system太阳系的行星
E.g.: the planet Earth/Venus/Mars地球;金星;火星

continent (n):大洲 1-one of the seven large land masses on the earth’s surface, surrounded, or mainly surrounded, by sea and usually consisting of various countries
E.g.: the North American continent北美大陆
E.g.: the continents of Asia and Africa亚非大陆

E.g.: Nemo is from Europe

The North Pole-北极
Polar bears live on the North Pole
The South Pole-南极
Penguins live on the South Pole