VIP Class Notes (Nemo)


I like that your students can choose their subjects. I like this because I’ll be able to dedicate my time and attention to those things that I really like to study.

first reason is…
second reason is….

to do many experiments


laboratory -[ˈlæbrətɔ:ri]

Ever since I was  a child I looked up to my father who’s a scientist

look up to somebody (verb)to admire and respect someone 敬仰,敬重
He’d always looked up to his uncle. 他一直很敬重叔叔。

conclusion (n): 1- the opinion you have after considering all the information about something结论;论断;推断
E.g.: Did you come to/reach/draw any conclusions at the meeting this morning? 今天上午的会议上你们有没有作出什么决定?

I don’t like memorizing things and facts, I like to come to my own conclusions– I like those subjects which will let me use my brain 我不喜欢记住事情和事实,我喜欢得出自己的结论——我喜欢那些能让我用脑的科目。

come to my own conclusions-得出我自己的结论

I enjoy the solitude, When I’m on my own my brain works faster and I love the feeling我喜欢独处,当我独自一人的时候,我的大脑工作得更快,我喜欢这种感觉。

solitude (n):the situation of being alone without other people
E.g.: a life of solitude 独居的生活

I decided to stop playing violin because I wanted to focus on my studies-我决定停止拉小提琴,因为我想集中精力学习。