VIP Class Notes (Nemo)[S]

Speaking exercise

This game is snake, I don’t know to play this game because is today is xiazai this game. My snake need to eat, I don’t eat small money I eat big money, many people eat big money they’re rich. My snake eat it’s very small and then eat and then big

This game is called The snake, I don’t know how to play this game because I downloaded it today. My snake needs to eat, I don’t eat small money (COINS) I eat big COINS, many people who eat big money are rich. My snake at the beginning/start is very small and then is growing while eating/ it’s getting BIGGER AND BIGGER


download (v):to copy or move programs or information into a computer’s memory, especially from the internet or a larger computer

Buyers can download his latest novel to read on a mobile device.
I downloaded their latest album on MP3.

grow (v): to become BIGGER AND BIGGER to increase in size or amount, or to become more advanced or developed
Children grow so quickly.
This plant grows best in the shade.
She’s grown three centimetres this year.

the red car is faster than the blue car


BIG.大的      BIGGER. 最大的     BIGGEST.  更大的

fast 快速的.   faster 更快.        fastest 最快的