VIP Class Notes (Nemo)


etymology (n): social science studying origin of words, and their creation

banquet (n): 1-official dinner with a lot of food and guests
Last Sunday we attended John’s wedding banquet.

voracious (adj): 1-very eager for something, especially a lot of food:
E.g.: He has a voracious appetite (= he eats a lot).
E.g.: He’s a voracious reader of historical novels (= he reads a lot of them eagerly and quickly).

feast (n)

feast (n): 1-something that is very enjoyable to see, hear, experience, etc.:
E.g.: a visual feast
E.g.: His food is a feast for the eyes as well as the palate.
​E.g.: This exhibition is a feast for my eyes.

remission (n): 1-a period of time when an illness is less severe or is not affecting someone(疾病的)缓解期
E.g.: Her cancer has been in remission for several years.她的癌症几年来有所缓解。

we need to monitor the patient over extended period of time我们需要长时间监控病人

skeptical (adj):

take sth with a pinch of salt/take sth with a grain of salt
​-to not completely believe something that you are told, because you think it is unlikely to be true对…半信半疑,对…有所怀疑
E.g.: You have to take everything she says with a pinch of salt, because she tends to exaggerate.

contaminate (v): 1-to make something less pure or make it poisonous污染;弄脏;毒害
E.g.: Much of the coast has been contaminated by nuclear waste.
E.g.: Her blood sample got contaminated while analyzed in the lab

cross-contamination -the process by which a substance that is harmful or dirty spreads from one area to another-交叉污染

in vitro (adj): 1-happening outside the body in artificial conditions, often in a test tube(生物过程或生物反应)在体外(常指试管内)进行的
E.g.: Scientists are studying these cells in vitro.
E.g.: in vitro experiments


drug- /drʌɡ/

in vitro- /ˌɪn ˈviː.troʊ/