VIP Class Notes (Nemo)[S]


why do you so happy? Why ARE you so happy?


five minus three equals two. 5-3=2

minus-reduced by a stated number
What is 57 minus 39?
57减39是多少? 57 minus 39 is/equals 18

-added to
What is six plus four?
6加4等于几? 6+4=10

equal verb (BE SAME IN AMOUNT)
to be the same in amount, number, size, or importance as another:
[ L ] 10 + 10 = 20 ten plus ten equals twenty

break up (v): If a marriage breaks up or two people in a romantic relationship break up, their marriage or their relationship ends.
Jenny and George have broken up.
She’s just broken up with her boyfriend.

fall in love (with sb)坠入爱河
to start to love someone
I was 20 when I first fell in love.

once upon a time-used at the beginning of children’s stories to mean “a long time ago”
Once upon a time there was an ugly duckling.

Speaking exercise

Once upon a time there was a girl, her name is Linda, her favorite color is purple. One day she met a boy and fell in love. The boys name is Tom. But then they broke up and they were sad.

Once upon a time there was a girl, her name was Linda, her favorite color was purple. One day she met a boy and fell in love. The boys name was Tom. But then they broke up and they were sad.