VIP Class Notes (Nemo)


standard (n): a level of quality
E.g.: This essay is not of an acceptable standard – do it again.
E.g.: This piece of work is below standard/is not up to standard.
E.g.: We have very high safety standards in this laboratory.

standard (Adj): usual rather than special, especially when thought of as being correct or acceptable
E.g.: These are standard procedures for handling radioactive waste.
E.g.: The meter is the standard unit for measuring length in the SI system.

substandard (Adj): below a satisfactory standard
低于标准的,ä¸åˆæ ¼çš„
E.g.: substandard housing/accommodation
ä¸å¤Ÿæ ‡å‡†çš„ä½å®…ï¼ä½å¤„
E.g.: substandard work/goods
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What does the abbreviation WHO stand for?
It stands for The World Health Organization

ongoing (adj): continuing to exist or develop, or happening at the present moment
E.g.: an ongoing investigation/process/project
E.g.: an ongoing clinical trial

A double-blind study is one in which neither the participants nor the experimenters know who is receiving a particular treatment. This procedure is utilized to prevent bias in research results.

She was only given a placebo, but she claimed she got better – that’s the placebo effect.

treatment group/control group

In medical terminology, an “indication” for a drug refers to the use of that drug for treating a particular disease.
1-diabetes is an indication for insulin.
2-Another way of stating this relationship is that insulin is indicated for the treatment of diabetes.