VIP Class Notes (Nemo)[W/S]


Write a story about your favorite book

Writing exercise

In the forest, three pigs were living happily , one day their mom told them they can make their own house. One pig make a straw house, the second pig make a wooden house, the two pigs said “We go fishing” and the third one said ” I cant go fishing, sorry”. While two pigs were fishing a wolf saw them, he is hungry. He run and run and catch them. The two pigs ran into a straw house. Wolf blow it And their run into the wooden house, the wolf_____ it. And their run to third pig house, wolf can’t come in, wolf back.

In the forest, three pigs were living happily, one day their mom told them that they can make their own houses. One pig made a straw house, the second pig made a wooden house, the two pigs said “We go fishing” and the third one said ” I cant go fishing, sorry”. While two pigs were fishing a wolf saw them, he was hungry. He ran and ran and almost caught them. The two pigs ran into the straw house. Wolf blew it away. so, they ran into the wooden house, the wolf  blew it away. And then they ran to the  third pig’s house, wolf couldn’t come in, so  wolf went back into the forest.


catch/caught /caught

一次-once/one time
两次-twice/two times

how often do you visit your grandmothers?

I visit my grandmother every four weeks.
I see her once every(每) four weeks我每四周见她一次
I visit her once a month

How often do you brush your teeth?
I brush my teeth twice a day, once in the morning and once at the evening


drink (v):to take liquid into the body through the mouth DRINK/DRANK/DRUNK

E.g.: He drank three glasses of water.
E.g.: The animals came down to the lake to drink.

E.g.:We will print the notes at the end of the class

fried rice-炒饭


Speaking exercise

I to make sand castle in Qingdao and I can’t swim in the sea because it is dirty. And I to see Zhanqiao. Zhanqiao is beautiful and fish and dumplings are yummy and drink is yummy too, and I drink mango juice, fo dinner I ate the fried rice in hotel. I’m in Qingdao two days.

I to make sand castle in Qingdao and I can’t swim in the sea because it is dirty. I went to Qingdao, at the beach I was making a sand castle, but I couldn’t swim because water was dirty. Later I went to see Zhanqiao. Zhanqiao is beautiful and fish and dumplings are yummy also a drink was yummy too, and I drank mango juice, for dinner I ate the fried rice at a hotel. I stayed in Qingdao for two days.