VIP Class Notes (Nemo)[S]


For homework write a short story about one day at school


park (n)-公园-
E.g.: Every weekend I go to a park.

thirsty (adj)-口渴的
E.g.: Are you thirsty? Yes I am, could I get a glass of water, please

hungry (adj)-饿了
E.g.: I am very hungry

tired (adj)-累了
E.g.: I am tired, I should go to sleep.

wake up (v)-醒来
E.g.: Every day I wake up at 8 o’clock.

body (n)-躯干
E.g.: He has a large body, but thin legs.他身宽腿细。

button (n)-扣子
E.g.: to do up/undo your buttons系上 / 解开扣子
E.g.: A button has come off my coat.我的上衣掉了一个扣子。

Lulu and Becky are friends. They want to make a snowman first they make a body and then make a head. They put him a hat and a scarf. they put a carrot to be his nose and buttons to be his eyes. After they make the snowman they went home. Tomorrow was a hot day so the snowman melt.

Lulu and Becky are friends. They wanted to make a snowman, first they made his body and then made his head. They put  a hat on him and a scarf. They used a carrot to be his nose and buttons to be his eyes. After they made the snowman they went home. day after was a hot day so the snowman melt away.
