VIP Class Notes (Nemo)


two for one-买一送一;

dude (n):a man:
E.g.: Some dude just asked me if I knew you.
E.g.: Dude, where were you last night?
E.g.: Jason was one cool dude.

episode (n):one of the single parts into which a story is divided, especially when it is broadcast on the television or radio(尤指电视或广播节目的)一集
E.g.: It’s my favorite TV program – I never miss an episode.
E.g.: I missed the second episode of the series so I don’t know what’s going on now.

season (n):one of several series of television programes with the same title and the same characters(电视系列节目)季
E.g.: the third season of Homeland

TV play/drama

foreign (adj):belonging or connected to a country that is not your own
E.g.: Spain was the first foreign country she had visited.
E.g.: foreign languages

talk show-脱口秀
E.g.: I would like to watch more talk shows.

closeted (adj):A closeted gay man or woman keeps the fact that he or she is gay secret from most people.(同性恋)保密的,不为人知的
E.g.: a closeted professional football player

you snooze, you lose
​used to mean that if you do not pay attention and do something quickly, someone else will do it instead of you:

E.g.: If you snooze, you lose!

snooze (v):to sleep lightly for a short while
The dog’s snoozing in front of the fire.

怪奇物语 第一季 Stranger Things