VIP Class Notes (Nemo)


What can I do for you/how may I help you?

What are your symptoms ?

were you feeling dizzy

on and off (also off and on)-If something happens on and off during a period of time, it happens sometimes.时断时续地;间歇地
I’ve had toothache on and off for a couple of months.

from time to time-sometimes, but not often
From time to time I still think of her.

we’re you feeling dizzy from time to time or constantly

spell (n):a period of time for which an activity or condition lasts continuously
I keep having/getting dizzy spells (= periods of feeling as if I’m turning around).

Did these spells of dizziness last for a long period of time?

these spells of dizziness usually last for how long?

they usually last 15-30 minutes.

dull pain-隐痛
sharp pain-剧痛
Is it a sharp or a dull pain?

pulsating sharp pain-搏动性剧痛
migrating/moving pain-游走性

migraine (n):severe continuous pain in the head, often with vomiting and difficulty in seeing
Do you suffer from migraines?

discus hernia-椎间盘突出


vertigo -/ˈvɝː.t̬ə.ɡoʊ/
migrate- /ˈmaɪ.ɡreɪt/
migraine- /ˈmaɪ.ɡreɪn/