VIP Class Notes (Nemo)


bungalow (n): 1-a house that usually has only one storey (= level), sometimes with a smaller upper story set in the roof and windows that come out from the roof:
E.g.: There were small, white bungalows dotted over the hillside.

floor heating-地板采暖

diarrhea (n): 1-an illness in which a person’s solid waste is too watery and is excreted too frequently

PhD-doctor of philosophy: the highest college or university degree, or someone who has this:
E.g.: a PhD student/thesis
E.g.: Susannah has a PhD in Italian literature.
E.g.: She’s a PhD.

Master’s Degree-an advanced college or university degree:
E.g.: An MA and an MSc are both Master’s degrees.

thesis (n)theses: 1-a long piece of writing on a particular subject, especially one that is done for a higher college or university degree:
E.g.: a doctoral thesis (= for a PhD)

graphic (adj): 1-very clear and powerful:
E.g.: a graphic description/account
E.g.: He insisted on describing his operation in graphic detail while we were eating lunch.

Live broadcast-直播

cougar (n): 1-an older woman who has sexual relationships with younger men-追求年轻帅哥的)熟女

viral (adj): 1-used to describe something that quickly becomes very popular or well known by being published on the internet or sent from person to person by email, phone, etc.:
E.g.: Here’s a list of the top ten viral videos this week.
E.g.: Within days the film clip went viral.

plagiarism (n): 1-剽窃;抄袭Plagiarism is the practice of using or copying someone else’s idea or work and pretending that you thought of it or created it.
E.g.: Now he’s in real trouble. He’s accused of plagiarism.现在他是真遇到麻烦了。他被指控剽窃。

parliament (n):-议会,国会, in some countries, the group of (usually) elected politicians or other people who make the laws for their country:
E.g.: On Tuesday the country’s parliament voted to establish its own army.
E.g.: She was elected to Parliament in 1997.


thesis- /ˈθiː.sɪs/
