VIP Class Notes (Nemo)


nurse (n): 护士,护理人员
E.g.: My mother is a nurse, when I’m sick she’s taking care of me.

medicine (n): 药
E.g.: If you’re sick you need to take a medicine every day.
To take a medicine is used less often than to take a pill药片

we take a medicine and we EAT food

fireman (n) a man whose job is to stop unwanted fires from burning
E.g.: When I grow up I want to become a fireman

tunnel (n): 隧道1- a long passage under or through the ground, especially one made by people:
E.g.: The train went into the tunnel.

chimney (n):烟囱 A chimney is a pipe through which smoke goes up into the air, usually through the roof of a building.
E.g.: The chimney was made of bricks.

iceberg (n): 冰山,a very large mass of ice that floats in the sea
E.g.: Titanic hit the iceberg

hit (v): 打 touch sb/sth with force
E.g.: A stone hit the window and broke the glass.

football field (n): 1-足球场
E.g.: Titanic was almost as long as three football fields.

lifeboat (n): 1-救生艇, a small boat kept on a ship for people to leave in if the ship is not safe or might sink
E.g.: Titanic didn’t have enough lifeboats.

passenger (n): 1-乘客, a person who is traveling in a vehicle but is not driving it, flying it, or working on it:
E.g.: airline/rail/train/car passengers
E.g.: Titanic carried 2200 passengers on its first journey

journey (n):旅行 1-the act of traveling from one place to another, especially in a vehicle:
E.g.: I love going on long journeys.