VIP Class Notes (Nemo)[S]


make/made-作-to produce something, often using a particular substance or material
E.g.: Do you want me to make some coffee?
E.g.: He made a chocolate cake.

order food点菜
I ordered some pasta。

外卖-take out

sell (v):to give something to someone else in return for money
E.g.: I sold him my car/I sold my car to him for $600.
E.g.: We’ll be selling the tickets at/for £50 each.

movie (n): 1-a film shown in a cinema or on television and often telling a story
E.g.: My favorite movie is “The Wandering Earth”.

he made a pizza himself他自己做了一个披萨

he made a pizza machine-他做了一个比萨机


-‘s-used to show that the following thing belongs to the person or thing named
the cat‘s tail
Patricia‘s dress
today‘s paper
the children‘s shoes

This is Nemo‘s phone

That is Jason’s cup
It’s Jason’s shirt

Speaking exercise

One person, her name is Big and he want write one paper give she love Small. She get’s red, blue pen, draw and write. This paper is very good. He is happy, he get a envelope and she put envelope in post box. and post man is come and he get envelope and gives Small. Small is happy, so so happy.

There was a boy, his name was Big and he wanted to write a love letter and send it to Small. He got red, blue pen, he drew and wrote. The paper was very good. He was happy, he got an envelope and he put the envelope in a post box. and a post man is came and he got the envelope and gave it to  Small. Small was happy, so so happy.

Speaking exercise

Mr Bean is hungry, he want eat pizza, and he order pizza but this pizza is small. So he is hungry, he want one pizza and he eat one, he eat one and he want to sell to other people. And together is very happy, they want to eat Mr Bean’s pizza. Mr Bean is happy, he want to make another one thousand pizza so he made one hundred cat pizza and make one hundred mouse pizza and one hundred pig pizza and he makes 7 hundred bear pizza. But people want more but he can not make very much, so he make pizza machine. Pizza machine makes pizza fast. Mr Bean is very like this pizza machine gets a lot of money. He’s happy. And on boy he don’t want Mr Bean pizza, he’s angry, because his pizza don’t want one people eat, he cant get money, he want has money, he is very smart and he order pizza Mr Bean is coming  but he don’t like Mr Bean pizza, and he want Mr Bean die, but Mr Bean put pizza in his face and this boy is very like this pizza, but  he’s very ugly. And Mr Bean gets pizza machine give he, he is happy and Mr Bean is another happy people.

Mr Bean is hungry, he wants to eat pizza, and he orders a pizza but this pizza is small. So he‘s still hungry, he want to make a pizza and he ate one, he ate one and he wants to sell to the other people. Everyone is very happy, they want to eat Mr Bean‘s pizza. Mr Bean is happy too, he wants to make another one thousand pizzas so he made one hundred cat pizzas and make one hundred mouse pizzas and one hundred pig pizzas and he made 7 hundred bear pizzas. But people want more but he can not make that many, so he makes a pizza machine. Pizza machine makes pizzas very fast. Mr Bean is very likes this pizza machine very much and he gets a lot of money. He’s happy. And one boy, he don’t want Mr Bean‘s pizza, he’s angry, because no one  wants to eat his pizza , he cant get money, he wants has money, he is very smart so he orders Mr Bean‘s pizza. Mr Bean comes to his home but he don’t like Mr Beanı pizza, and he wants Mr Bean to die, but Mr Bean put pizza on his face and this boy likes this pizza very much, but  he’s very ugly. So Mr Bean sells him the pizza machine, he is happy and Mr Bean is also happy.