VIP Class Notes (Nemo)


wander (v):to walk around slowly in a relaxed way or without any clear purpose or direction漫步;闲逛;游荡
E.g.: We spent the morning wandering around the old part of the city.
E.g.: I don’t like when people wander around my apartment.

When I’m at my friend’s home
I wouldn’t go to their bedroom on my own

hang out (v): 1-to spend a lot of time in a place or with someone
E.g.: You still hang out at the pool hall?
E.g.: I prefer to hang out with my friends outside

flatmate(n):1-a person who shares an apartment with another person

housemate (n): someone you live with in a house but are not related to and do not have a romantic or sexual relationship with|室友,合住的人

we shared a bed when were kids

I speak with my sister on a daily basis/daily

Usually we’re exchanging messages, but from time to time we’re having a video call

from time to time-sometimes, but not often
E.g.: From time to time I still think of her.-我偶尔还会想起她。

be predisposed to/towards sth-to be more likely than other people to have a medical condition or to behave in a particular way
E.g.: Researchers have discovered that the children of these patients are genetically predisposed (ADJ) to cancer.
E.g.: There is evidence that a predisposition (N) to(wards) diabetes runs in families.

overweight (adj):fat肥胖的
E.g.: He used to be very overweight.
E.g.: I’m only a few pounds overweight, but I just can’t seem to lose them.

metabolism (n): 1-all the chemical processes in your body, especially those that cause food to be used for energy and growth新陈代谢
E.g.: Exercise is supposed to speed up your metabolism.

obese (adj):extremely fat in a way that is dangerous for health
E.g.: She was not just overweight; she was clinically obese.

