VIP Class Notes (Nemo)


plaster (n): 1-(Band-Aid) a small piece of sticky cloth or plastic that you use to cover and protect a cut in the skin橡皮膏,创可贴
E.g.: a box of waterproof plasters
E.g.: Put a plaster on it so that it doesn’t get infected.

sliver (n): 1-a very small, thin piece of something, usually broken off something larger碎片,薄片
a sliver of glass

splinter (n): 1-a small, sharp, broken piece of wood, glass, plastic, or similar material(木头、玻璃、塑料等的)尖细条,尖碎片
The girl had a splinter (of wood) in her toe.

pinkie/pinky-a little finger
E.g.: a pinkie ring

iodine-a chemical element that is found in small amounts in sea water and used to prevent infection

write sth down (v): 1-to write something on a piece of paper so that you do not forget it
Did you write down Jo’s phone number?

block capitals (n): 1-a style of writing in which each letter of a word is written separately and clearly using the capital letters of the alphabet
E.g. : Please print your name and address in block capitals.

stuck (adj): 1-unable to move, or set in a particular position, place, or way of thinking
E.g. : This door seems to be stuck – can you help me push it open?
E.g. : Seven of us were stuck in the lift for over an hour.

topical (adj): 1-A topical medical product is used on the outside of the body.(医疗产品)局部的,外用的
E.g.: This lotion is for topical application only.

run out (v):to finish, use, or sell all of something, so that there is none left
E.g. : I’ve run out of milk/money/ideas/patience.
E.g. : “Do you have any milk?” “Sorry, I’ve run out.”

Apply the ointment (药膏) to the infected area.-把药膏涂于患部。

does it hurt/is it painful

The procedure is carried out under local anesthetic (= a substance that makes you unable to feel pain in part of your body).
I’ve never had a general anesthetic (= a substance that makes you unconscious so you do not feel pain).


I’ll make an appointment for you- ana/pointment

disinfect -/ˌdɪs.ɪnˈfekt/
anesthetic -ˌ/ænəˈsθɛtɪk/
iodine /ˈaɪ.ə.diːn/
prescription- /prɪˈskrɪp.ʃən/