VIP Class Notes (Nemo)


sister in law-嫂子;姑子
E.g.: Today is my sister in law’s birthday

My sister in law is turning 24

turn 16, nine o’clock, etc.-to become a particular age or time
E.g.: She turned 18 last year.
E.g.: It’s just turned ten o’clock.

E.g.: The little girl is my grandparent’s first great-grandchild.

great-grandparent (n): 1-a parent of your grandparent (= a parent of your parent):
His great-grandparents were born in Greece.
Oates’ great-grandparents came to the United States in the 1890s.

cousin (n)-a child of a person’s aunt or uncle, or, more generally, a distant (= not close) relation
E.g.: Leo’s got three cousins, two boys and a girl

Cousins are both girls and boys.
You could say ‘My cousin John is here.’ ……or…… ‘Sarah, my cousin is coming today.’

gather (v): 1-when people or animals gather, they come together in a group.
E.g.: A crowd had gathered to hear her speak.
E.g.: Gather round, children, and I’ll tell you a story.
E.g.: Every Saturday we gather at my grandparent’s home

calligraphy brush-毛笔

calligraphy (n)-书法;书法艺术 -beautiful handwriting that you do with a special pen or brush;
E..g: At the calligraphy competition, people asked him to write a few characters.


Family Tree