VIP Class Notes (Nemo)

read about Holocaust


charisma (n):a special power that some people have naturally that makes them able to influence other people and attract their attention and admiration超凡的个人魅力;吸引力;超凡气质
E.g.: On screen Garbo had this great charisma so that you couldn’t take your eyes off her.
E.g.: How did a man of so little personal charisma get to be prime minister?

charismatic(adj):1-used to describe a person who has charisma
E.g.: Few were able to resist this charismatic and persuasive leader.

first lady-a woman who is married to the political leader of a country or a part of a country

first gentleman

persuasive (adj): 1-making you want to do or believe a particular thing
E.g.: a persuasive speaker/speech
E.g.: Your arguments are very persuasive.

personality cult (n): 1-officially organized admiration and love for a particular person, especially a political leader


Freedom of speech-言语自由

free speech (n): 1-the right to express your opinions publicly
I believe in the right of free speech, in war as well as in peace.

a figure of speech -an expression that uses words to mean something different from their ordinary meaning修辞格;修辞手段;比喻
“Break a leg” is a figure of speech, meaning “good luck”.

join the party/ become a member/ join the party’ ranks

state owned/state run enterprise/company