VIP Class Notes (Nemo)


prefix-a letter or group of letters added to the beginning of a word to make a new word
E.g.: In the word “unimportant”, “un-” is a prefix.
在单词 unimportant 中,un- 是前缀。

suffix-a letter or group of letters added at the end of a word to make a new word
E.g.: The suffix “-ness” added to the end of the word “sweet” forms the word “sweetness”, changing an adjective into a noun.
后缀 -ness加在 sweet 之后构成 sweetness,把形容词变成了名词。

tired (adj):in need of rest or sleep疲劳的,疲倦的,累的
E.g.: I was so tired when I got home from work last night that I had a quick nap.
E.g.: My legs are tired.

tiring (adj):making you feel tired
E.g.: I’ve had a very tiring day.

approach (v):come near,-to come near or nearer to something or someone in space, time, quality, or amount:
E.g.: We could just see the train approaching in the distance.
E.g.: SI see it’s approaching lunchtime, so let’s take a break.
E.g.: In my opinion, no other composers even begin to approach (= come near in quality to) Mozart.
E.g.: The total amount raised so far is approaching (= almost) $1,000.

foodie-美食家 -a person who is very interested in cooking and eating different kinds of food

specialize (v):to spend most of your time studying one particular subject or doing one type of business
E.g.: She hired a lawyer who specializes in divorce cases.
E.g.: a restaurant that specializes in seafood

cuisine (n): 1-风味 a style of cooking
E.g.: Italian cuisine-意大利式烹饪

dim sum-点心
E.g.: For brunch, we went for dim sum at a Chinese restaurant.

touristy (adj): 1-A touristy place is not attractive because a lot of tourists visit it and it is full of things for them to buy and do.(地方)游客众多的
E.g.: This used to be a pretty little fishing town, but now it’s become very touristy.