VIP Class Notes (Nemo)

At the grocery store

grocery store-食品杂货店

Welcome to my store!

How may I help you?/What can I do for you?


buy (v): 1-to get something by paying money for it

E.g.: Hi! I would like to buy a computer.

sell (v): 1-卖
E.g.: I’m selling a bicycle, would you like to buy it?

seller (n): 1-a person who is selling something
flower/newspaper/souvenir sellers

customer (n): 1-客户 a person who buys things
Mrs Wilson is one of our best customers.

expensive (adj): 1- costing a lot of money贵的
E.g.: Big houses are very expensive.

an expensive car/restaurant/holiday-昂贵的汽车;高档的餐馆;花费大的假日

cheap– costing little money 便宜的
Tomorrow I will buy a cheap pair of shoes
Food is usually cheaper in supermarkets.