VIP Class Notes (Nemo)


read between the lines-体会言外之意, to find meanings that are intended but that are not directly expressed in something said or written:
E..g : She said she could afford it, but reading between the lines I don’t think she has enough money.

promotional (adj): 1-designed to advertise something in order to sell it:
E.g.: We picked up some promotional material on holiday tours to Europe.

address (v): 1-设法解决;处理;对付 to think about a problem or a situation and decide how you are going to deal with it
E.g.: Your essay does not address the real issues.你的论文没有论证实质问题。
E.g.: We must address the issue as soon as possible.

volume (n): 1- the number or amount of something in general:

this is not what she’s going for

imaginable (adj): 1-possible to think of:
E.g.: The school offers courses in every subject imaginable.
E.g.: ice cream of every imaginable flavor
E.g.: I came up with all of the imaginable proposals but still my boss said no

palette (n): 1-the range of colors that an artist usually paints with:
E.g.: Matisse’s palette typically consists of bright blues, greens and oranges.

mend (v): 1-to repair something that is broken or damaged:
E.g.: Could you mend this hole in my shirt?
E.g.: Never try to mend a broken machine without disconnecting it from the electricity supply.

