VIP Class Notes (Nemo)


quarantine (n): 1-a period of time during which an animal or person that might have a disease is kept away from other people or animals so that the disease cannot spread
E.g.: The horse had to spend several months in quarantine when it reached Britain.

crack on (v): to start or continue doing something, especially more quickly or with more energy after a pause:
E.g.: The meeting needs to finish by 5, so we’d better crack on.

auntie (n)an aunt姑母;姨母;婶婶;伯母;舅母(同 aunt)
E.g.: My auntie and uncle are coming to visit.

telly (n): 1-television(television 的非正式说法)
E.g.: What’s on telly tonight?

wind (n): 1-gas in the bowels or in a baby’s stomach, especially when this makes you feel uncomfortable or makes noises肠气,胃气,肠胃气胀
E.g.: I like garlic but it gives me terrible wind.