VIP Class Notes (Nemo) [S]

Speaking exercise

what did you do today?

Today I didn’t do anything, I stayed at home.

This is the bear he like kick the ball. One day he was kick the ball and the ball hit the vase. The vase  fall and broke in many piece. The bear is sad and his mother is angry

This is a bear he likes  kicking the ball. One day he was kicking the ball and the ball hit the vase. The vase  fell and broke into many pieces. The bear was sad and his mother was angry


hit (v): 打 to touch something  strongly
E.g.: John threw a stone and the stone hit the window.

kick (v): 1-to hit someone or something with the foot, or to move the feet and legs suddenly and violently踢,踹
E.g.: I kicked the ball as hard as I could.

vase (n): 1-a container for holding flowers or for decoration
E.g.: a vase of flowers

break 破碎 in pieces
E.g.: She dropped the plate and it broke into pieces .
E.g.: to break a cup/window
打破杯子 / 窗户

fall (v): 1-打喷嚏 go down onto the ground
E.g.: Be careful you don’t fall.
E.g.: He fell and broke his leg.

piece-a part of something
E.g.: Could I have a piece of cake/cheese/meat

一块蛋糕 / 奶酪 / 肉

angry (adj): 1-愤怒的
E.g.: Yesterday I was very angry because you didn’t let me play with dolls.


sneeze (v): 1-打喷嚏
E..g: When we sneeze, our eyes close.打喷嚏的时候眼睛会闭上。
E..g: I’ve been sneezing all morning.我一上午直打喷嚏。

