VIP Class Notes (Nemo)[S]

Speaking exercise

These days I was trying to design our production I’m a software eng, so design is not my / I’m not good at desigh so I need to learn more about design and talk with my designer friends. My job is different with previous job, I just need coding in my previous job but now I need to lead a team to develop software, I need to decide how was our production designed. so there are difference  and a lot of challenge. I made a action (promotion) I make my employee to resolve an algorithm problem every Friday noon and the winner will get a book. I need to choice the book, and all of the books are about coding and I need to have read it and it need to be of a high quality. If the promotion continue for one year these books I can choose them but ofter one years I don’t know maybe the promotion will be changed by a better way

These days I was trying to design one of our products. I’m a software eng, so design is not my forte/design is not my strong suit / I’m not good at design so I had to learn more about design and talk with my designer friends. My current job is different (when) compared with/ than previous jobs. At my previous job i only had to code but now I need to lead a team to develop a software, also I need to decide how our product will be designed/ what will the design of our product look like. So there are many differences  and a lot of challenges compared to my previous job/My current job is quite different and challenging. I decided to organize a weekly competition in algorithm solving/ I started this competition, every Friday employees are supposed to solve an algorithm problem and the winner will/would get a book. I need to choose the right book, and all of the books are about/related to coding and I need to have read it also it got to be of a high quality/to be a good book. If the competition continues for a year I’ll run out of the books /If the competition continues for a year the pool of the books I can choose from will be depleted I’ll have to think of another way of rewarding my workers/I’ll have to think of something better




活动-activity/ campaign

His spare-time activities include cooking, tennis, and windsurfing.


strong suit-强项something in which one excels : FORTE
Design and drawing have never been my strong suit.
Patience isn’t exactly her strong suit (= she is not at all patient).耐心不是她的强项。

Forte-a strong ability, something that a person can do well
Cooking was not exactly her forte.

pool (n): 1-a number of people or a quantity of a particular thing, such as money, collected together for shared use by several people or organizations
E.g.: We’re hiring from a large pool of graduate designers.

deplete (v)to reduce something in size or amount, especially supplies of energy, money, etc.消耗;耗费(资源、金钱、精力等)
E.g.: By the end of the century we will deplete our oil reserves

run out (v): 1-to finish, use, or sell all of something, so that there is none left
E.g.: I’ve run out of milk/money/ideas/patience.
“Do you have any milk?” “Sorry, I’ve run out.

differentiate (v): 1-to show or find the difference between things that are compared区别,分清,辨别
E.g.: We do not differentiate between our employees on the basis of their race, religion, or national origin.
E.g. : For a foreigner it’s quite hard to differentiate tones of Chinese language


differentiate- /ˌdɪf.əˈren.ʃi.eɪt/