VIP Class Notes (Nemo)


eat a medicine- we EAT FOOD an we TAKE a medicine
E.g.:Take two spoonfuls of medicine at mealtimes.
E.g.: You should take the medicine twice a day.

come up with sth-to suggest or think of an idea or plan
E.g.: I had to come up with a new way of  playing this game, in return I got paid

in return-in exchange作为交换;作为回报
E.g.: I’ll come with you, but you have to do something for me in return.

an Internet forum-互联网论坛
Many people exchange opinions on different internet forums

hormone (n): 1-any of various chemicals made by living cells that influence the development, growth, sex, etc. of an animal and are carried around the body in the blood荷尔蒙,激素
E..g: male and female hormones
E.g.: growth hormones

monotonous (adj):not changing and therefore boring
E.g.: a monotonous job
E.g.: The music became monotonous after a while.


she’s not a children she’s a adult-She’s not a CHILD she’s AN adult

A vs AN

In speaking, we use a /ə/ before a consonant sound:

a car /a house/ a big truck/ a wheel /a grey day

Some words that begin with a vowel letter in writing have a consonant sound:

/ə ju:ˈnaɪtɪd …/ /ə ju:niˈvɜ:sɪti/ /ə wʌn …/

a united group /a university /a one-year-old child

-We use an /ən/ before a vowel sound:

an apple/ an old shoe /an orchestra /an umbrella

Some words that begin with a consonant letter in writing have a vowel sound:

/ən aʊə(r)/ an hour

/ən empi:θri: …/ an MP3 player