VIP Class Notes (Nemo)


terrarium (n):生物育养箱;玻璃花园
a glass container for growing plants in or for keeping small animals such as turtles or snakes in

stray -a pet that no longer has a home or cannot find its home流浪宠物;走失的宠物
E.g.: a stray dog
E.g.: “Who owns that cat?” “I don’t know. I think it must be a stray.”

mutt (n): 1-a dog whose parents are of different breeds
E.g.: Nemo’s dog is a mutt.

A house title is a registration of the ownership of a property. When you buy a property, the property title is transferred to your name to establish your ownership rights.

the car is registered IN my name

Joker fell into a barrel of chemistry  chemicals

bug (n): 1-a bacteria or a virus causing an illness that is usually not serious引起小毛病的)细菌;病毒
E.g.: I had a tummy/stomach bug last week.
E.g.: There’s a bug going around (= an illness that many people are getting).

penis/penises (plural)

hollow sth out-to make an empty space inside something
E..g: Sand carried by the wind has hollowed out the base of the cliff.

peanuts- /ˈpiː.nʌts/
peanut- /ˈpiː.nʌt/