VIP Class Notes (Nemo)[S]


merchandise (n)-商品, goods that are bought and sold:PRODUCT
E.g.: This store has a wide selection of merchandise for sale.

There’s always a wide selection of delicious meals to choose from

wide (adj): 1-used to describe something that includes a large amount or many different types of thing, or that covers a large range or area:
E.g.: They sell a wide range of skin-care products.
E.g.: She has a wide experience of teaching, in many different schools.

Provide a wide selection of merchandise.-提供了多种选择的商品。

selection (n): 2-a choice or range of different types of something:
E.g.: Most schools would have a good selection of these books in their libraries.
E.g.: The larger stores are able to stock a wider selection of goods.

trade (n)-贸易, the activity of buying and selling, or exchanging, goods and/or services between people or countries:
E.g.: The country’s trade in manufactured goods has expanded in the last ten years.
E.g.: 70 percent of the country’s trade is with Europe.

trade (v): 1-to buy and sell goods or services, especially between countries:
E.g.: The company has been trading in rice for many years.
E.g.: Our products are traded throughout Asia.

throughout (prepositionadj/adv), 遍及…地域, 在…期间in every part, or during the whole period of time:
E.g.: People throughout the country are out of work.
E.g.: She was calm throughout her visit to the dentist.
E.g.: The school has been repainted throughout.


how do you spell that? -你怎么拼写的?

spell (v)-to form a word or words with the letters in the correct order:
E.g.: Does she spell her name with a C or with a K?
E.g.: She always spells my name wrong.

Speaking exercise

Today I wake up at 12 o’clock then I gone to the PPL’s square with my parents, then I bought  a drink which is strawberry, but I made a mistake cause I bought very cold drink. Then my mother wanted to buy new clothes for the NY, we walked for about half an hour to come to the Qipu rd, and because this class I leave with her.

Today I woke up at 12 o’clock then I went to the PPL’s square together with my parents, there I bought  a strawberry drink , but I made a mistake cause I bought a very cold drink. Then, my mother wanted to buy some new clothes for the NY, we walked for about half an hour to come to the Qipu rd, and because of this class I had to  leave with her.


oriented/ -ɔːr.i.en.t̬ɪd/