VIP Class Notes (Nemo)[S]


touristy (adj): A touristy place is not attractive because a lot of tourists visit it and it is full of things for them to buy and do.
This used to be a pretty little fishing town, but now it’s become very touristy.

highlight (n): the best or most exciting, entertaining, or interesting part of something
E.g.: Highlights of the match will be shown after the news.

the best, most interesting or most exciting part of sth
E.g.: One of the highlights of the trip was seeing the Taj Mahal.

Inner Mongolia-内蒙古
The Gobi desert-戈壁沙漠

It’s up to them to decide

it’s up to you-你说了算

It’s up to you to handle this matter.


Rome [roʊm]

Speaking exercise

Last night, I saw a video about me. I went to NeiMengGu to attend the Gebi Heaven. Last night, they post a video about the festival and I saw myself in this festival. I find myself is too ugly and dark. I speak a bad Mandarin. Our partners saw this video and send message to my boyfriend, “she’s so funny, she’s so dark, is she Chinese?” Sometimes I feel so lucky because I have this specially experience.

Last night, I saw a video about me. I went to Inner Mongolia to attend the Gobi Heaven. Last night, they posted a video about the festival and I saw myself in this video. I found myself looking too ugly and dark. I spoke a bad Mandarin. Our partners saw this video and sent a message to my boyfriend, “she’s so funny, she’s so dark, is she Chinese?” Sometimes I feel so lucky because I had this special experience.