VIP Class Notes (Nathan) [S]

Speaking exercise

I want to introduce a building in Shanghai. It’s called Soho. It’s just like a shape of boat, and it’s designed by a great designer. I forget his/her name. And he has passed away before maybe 2 years ago. The building is famous for his strange shape. Now it’s used as a office building.

I want to introduce a building in Shanghai. It’s called Soho. It’s shaped like a boat, and it’s designed by a great designer. I forgot his/her name. And he passed away 2 years ago. The building is famous for its strange shape. Now it’s used as an office building.


thimbles & cymbals – “th im blz” – tongue out / “sim blz” – tongue in

think & thick – tongue out “th” 

clear – “kl eeer”

fast – “aaa” like “apple”