VIP Class Notes (Nate)[S/W]


Do some writing and focus on the grammar you learned in class today.

Write a story at home using the words we/us at at least 5 times. Two paragraphs with 5 action verbs.

EX: Playing/running/jumping/hopping

Speaking exercise

[Today we  are working on we/us and writing a story/describing our favorite activity/review action verbs.]

In the morning I went to school, my (day) first of school was good. I had Chinese class, math class, art class, and gym. My favorite was music class, because music makes me happy. I like to (enjoy) write (writing) Chinese words. My friends and I rode bicycles together (in the park).

Im reading a story book about going shopping. One day Mays mother, says to (tells) May to (go) buy some bread, but May bought some sweets. Her mother was angry. Her mother yelled at May. She was very very angry, then she went to the shop again, this time she bought some bread and her mother (was) happy now.

Writing exercise

Worksheets on we/us. Will give Jerry both to take home.

Worksheet on sight words for additional practice. Will give to Jerry to take home.