VIP Class Notes (Nate) [S]

Speaking exercise

Annual review, I feel kind of confident, I don’t expect that I can work my way up, I’ve just been with google one year and a half, I really like a good rating. Before Covid 19 I like it very much but now  we are expected to work from home, I haven t been to the office for half a year. We are not allowed to work at offices, that is the global policy, not from China. Currently working at home really make me feel suffering and stressful sometime. You don’t have people to talk to to and have friends to go for dinner or lunch. All the thing with you are your laptop/google calendar/ work phone.

I think it might be because many kids prefer a face to face class instead of an online class. You have to make you, it has higher requirements on your speaking skills because people wont see you, your body language, people can only hear.

I don’t really get used to shanghai foods, I come from a different place in china, its a bit different, has a different culture, I seldom find spicy food in shanghai, I think shanghai people prefer sweet food. In addition to hot pot I like rice balls, Kind of like sushi but they have something inside that is sweet.

The food we enjoy free food, from breakfast to dinner and we have multiple, we have so many choice. Google restaurants have high level standards, the CEO believes can enhance our well being and enhance out productivity. I don’t like feeling of lonely so I don’t like working from home.

So becoming a singer or actress was my dream, so looking at BTS, I recalled my dream when I was young, I faced the realistic, when you are young you are wild, as you are growing and getting older, you have to do more realistic stuff.


Annual review, I feel kind of confident, I don’t expect that I can work my way up, I’ve just been with google (for) one year and a half, I really (want like a good (review) rating. Before Covid 19 I (enjoyed) like it (google) very much but now  we are expected to work from home, I haven t been to the office for half a year. We are not allowed to work at offices, that is the global policy, not from China. Currently, working at home really make(s) me feel (Sad) suffering and stressful sometime(s). You don’t have people to talk to and (you don’t) have friends to go for dinner or lunch (with). All the thing with you are your laptop/google calendar/ work phone.

I think it might be because many kids prefer a face to face class instead of an online class. You have to make (your self heard), it (takes more speaking skills) has higher requirements on your speaking skills because people wont see you, your body language, people can only hear (what you say).

I (haven’t gotten used to) don’t really get used to shanghai foods, I come from a different place in china, its a bit different, has a different culture, I seldom find spicy food in shanghai, I think shanghai people prefer sweet food. In addition to hot pot I like rice balls, (They are) kind of like sushi but they have something inside that is sweet.

The food We enjoy free food, from breakfast to dinner and we have multiple options, . Google restaurants have high level standards, the CEO believes (food) can enhance our well being and enhance out productivity. I don’t like feeling of lonely so I don’t like working from home.


Social skills” -Skills dealing with people to people interactions.

Worst” – Scale of something being bad. “The movie was one of the worst films i’ve ever seen”

Worse”- Scale of something being bad. “It only gets worse after tomorrow”


Learning curve”  “There is a learning curve when you start working at Google

At the top”  “My team is at the top of their game this season in the NBA”

Coming of age” “There is a coming of age moment in everyone’s life where they mature more”

Settling down” Settling down is an important part of life that helps people”


Vacuum –  The “u” is a longggggg ”u”.