VIP Class Notes (Nate) [s]


Use some of the vocabulary from today in some writing. Choose a topic that lets you use the words we learned.

I want you to write two paragraphs about your last two days focusing on the (past tense focus) but the challenge is to not say “um” while reading.


“Better” – A positive word used in comparing. [EX: This soccer player is better than that soccer player”]


“Standards have gone up” [EX: The standards have gone up to get into Harvard]

More faster” (Much faster) [EX: 5g is going to be much faster than 4g]

Speaking exercise

The condition is much better, than before, may recently Chinese people pay the attention to the economics and the relationship between China and the U.S. We have some issue about the rain season, how to rescue the people who suffered the rainy season. The river, there was some issues in some areas of China, I don’t know how to explain, it is a disaster. The river flooded houses, less than ten people died from the flooding. Because the rainy season is much longer than usual, usually about twenty days but this year the rainy season is doubled than usual.

We have some special areas the virus restart. They have to lock down. Beijing is ok but the virus of xinhuang is not very good. Maybe several hundred people are infected, the treatment is much better than the beginning of the virus spreading. We have protection policy for the virus because we have many experience with that. I think it will be controlled in short time. It is ok for Chinese people, especially for people in big cities, I saw the lock down policy it didn’t affect peoples daily life. So heavily of course we had the delivery system.

Especially in morning, the time of people go to work and people go to home. Another is the traffic jam in Shanghai another big problem. I think I don’t like waiting for the time you never know long you have to wait. The feeling is very terrible when you drive on the high speed way. The speed is very lower on the high speed way. The road big parking especially around 7pm.

There is not a definite about which friends I will like, sometimes it is a feeling. The feeling about we can stay together and talk for a long time. There are some people, when you stay together with them it is hard to talk for a while. No common language. Talk is the first step of peoples daily communication.


The condition is much better, than before, may recently Chinese people pay the attention to the economics and the relationship between China and the U.S (economic relationship between the U.S and China) . We have some issue(s) about the rain(y) season, how to rescue the people who suffered the rainy season. The river There was some issues in some areas of China, I don’t know how to explain, it is (was) a disaster. The river flooded houses, less than ten people died from the flooding. Because The rainy season is much longer than usual, usually (it is) about twenty days, but this year the rainy season is doubled (was longer) than usual.

We have some special areas the virus restart (The virus has shown back up again in certain areas). They have (had) to lock down (again). Beijing is ok, but the virus of (in) Xinhuang is not very good. Maybe, several hundred people are (were) infected. The treatment is much better than the beginning of the virus spreading (before). We have protection policy (policies) for the virus because we have many experience with that (experiences dealing with viruses). I think it will be controlled in short time (quickly). It is ok for Chinese people, especially for people in big cities. I saw (that) the lock down policy it didn’t affect peoples daily life.

Especially in morning, the time of people go to work and people go to home. Another is the traffic jam in Shanghai another big problem (traffic jams in Shanghai would be another problem for me). I think I don’t like waiting for the time (metro) you never know long you have to wait. The feeling is very terrible when you drive on the high speed way (highway). The speed is very lower on the high speed way.

There is not a definite (characteristic) about which friends I will like, sometimes it is a feeling. The feeling about (that) we can stay together and talk for a long time. There are some people, when you stay together with them it is hard to talk for a while (are around them it is difficult to talk for a long time). No common language (nothing to talk about). Talk (Talking) is the first step of peoples daily communication.


Businesses- work on the “es” sound when pronouncing this word.

Because – focus on the “au” sound there should not be  “z” sound when pronouncing this word.