VIP Class Notes (Mason)[s]


Watch Thor: Ragnorok


Double edged sword – A situation with negative consequences on both sides

Leeway/wiggle room – theres space for tolerance

Curfew – a mandatory time for you to be home

Containment – US foreign policy regarding stopping the spread of communism
eg. Many people cite containment as the main reason for the war in vietnam.

Utilitarianism – The greatest good for the greatest number of people

Stoke – to put wood in a fire (metaphor)

Xenophobia – fear of outsiders of immigrants

Nationalism – the idea that your country comes first above all (negative connotation)

Meddling – to mess with
eg. Those meddling kids keep spray painting the neighborhood.

Treason – betraying your country
eg. Many people suspect president trump of treason.

Speaking exercise


A lot of chinese were actually supporting trump. those chinese immigrants in the states. I actually dont know why. They were wondering that if trump as elected president they would have a better life. I have no idea why they would think of that way.


A lot of Chinese immigrants in the states actually supported trump.  I actually don’t know why. They were hoping that if trump was elected president they would have a better life. I have no idea why they would think of that way.