VIP Class Notes (Mason) [S]


Finger on the pulse – To have a good understanding of something which is changing
eg. My company has our finger on the pulse of the Chinese consumer market.

Drying up – to slowly disappear (Metaphorically)
eg. Department stores and malls are drying up in favor of online shopping.

Hostel – Hotel with dorms aimed at young people
eg. I do not like staying in hostels; I prefer staying at nice hotels.

Tongue in cheek – To be slightly joking
eg. I made a tongue in cheek comment to my coworker but she took it seriously.

Infrastructure – man made components that compose a country
eg. Western China’s infrastructure is much worse than Eastern China.

Hit the nail on the head – to make a perfect point
eg. She really hit the nail on the head when she said that I overused metaphors.


Germany companyGerman company

Foreigner companyForeign company

They are a lot of these kinds of storiesThere are a lot of these kinds of stories.

Before I read (Present tense) – Before I read (Past tense)

Economical situation – Economic situation

It costs me 20 minutes – It takes me 20 minutes.

One of my previous boss – One of my previous bosses



Speaking exercise

If you want to buy house in shanghai, if your children go to school in shanghai, even if you buy a car in shanghai, all of this you have to have Hukou – If you want to buy house in shanghai, if your children go to school in shanghai, even if you want to buy a car in shanghai,  you need to have a Hukou to do any of this. 

I have been to yangshuo for traveling – I have been to yangshuo for a vacation.