VIP Class Notes (Mason) [S]

To buy a bike in boulder :
Mexican food in Boulder: La Choza, 4457 Broadway, next to violet ave

Settlement – Money given up in a lawsuit
eg. United gave up a large settlement to the doctor they dragged off the place.

Disclose – to give up information
eg. The lawyer will not disclose how large the settlement was.

Globetrotter – Someone who travels a lot
eg. She is a globetrotter

Upper echelon – top level
eg. One day I want to be in the upper echelon of yoga.

Cream of the crop – Best of the best
eg. I work with the cream of the crop.

Yuppie – Young Urban Professional
eg. When did this turn into a yuppie bar?

Improper conduct – Bad professional behavior
eg. The tour guide continuously showed improper conduct.

Marital – to have to do with marriage
eg. She is having marital issues.

Speaking exercise


Who want to be a teacher. Once, twice a year teacher training income wont support me for traveling. I need a some environment for english.


People who want to be a teacher. The income from doing teacher training once or twice a year won’t support my travels. I needed a good environment to learn english.