VIP Class Notes (Mark)

Speaking exercise

The shortage and delay delivery make our parts shortage.
The shortage and delay in delivery are making causing our parts shortage.

This company sell this material to our supplier.
This company sells this material to our supplier.

Our supplier use this material to assemble parts.
Our supplier uses this material to assemble parts.

This material is special and no localization way.
This material is special and no localization way there is no way to produce it in China.

Fortunately, we are not only the company impact.
Fortunately, we are not only the company impacted.

Some company are impact before us.
Some companies are impacted before us.

The pronounce from other people cannot be understand.
The pronunciation from other people cannot be understood.


colleagues – [KAH LEEGS]


Reading page 1-4 of English Digest 2021 1

encompassing – [IN COM PUSS ING] including

economic -[EK O NAH MIC]

hasten – [HAY SEN] – make faster

pandemic – [PAN DEM IK]

regional – [REE JUN UL]

virtually – [VER CHU AH LEE]

annual – [AN YU UL]