VIP Class Notes (Mark) [S]


private – [PRY VIT]

curious – [QUR E US]

I don’t know what’s the reason can push me to go abroad.

corrected: I didn’t have a reason to go abroad.

I was thinking a lot of reasons to go. Maybe perhaps study is a good choice.

corrected: I was thinking of a lot of reasons to go. Perhaps studying at a University is a good choice.


potentially / possibly – can be used instead of maybe / perhaps

When I at home, or when I available, I always watching the video for writing. And I practice my listening at home. Use a book. I cannot do the reading very quickly because I don’t have a plent of vocabularies.

corrected: When I am at home, or when I am available, I always watch videos for writing. And I practice my listening at home, using an audiobook. I cannot do the reading very quickly because I don’t have a large vocabulary.