VIP Class Notes (Mark) [S]


Using words like “also” and “too” help two sentences about the same thing sound together.

Ex: Two of my family’s traditions are watching movies, and going to Grandma’s house. We celebrate Chinese new year, too.

The ‘main’ picture on a page is the bigger picture. The ‘inset’ picture is the one inside the main picture.


ATV – All Terrain Vehicle

terrain – different types of ground

uniform – is clothing a person wears that makes other people know what that person does for work.

Canada – the country that is north (above) the US.

crime – something you do that is against the law.

accident – something that happens that you don’t want to happen

ex: The mug that broke was an accident.


accident – [AK SI DENT]

crime – [KRYM]

Canada – [KAN A DA]

uniform – [YOU NI FORM]

terrain – [TE RAYN]


  1. Write a story, and use “too” and “also” to make two sentences sound together.
  2. Tell me four facts and one opinion about police officers.