VIP Class Notes (Mark) [S]


children = more than one / child = one


trunk – 1) an elephants nose. 2) the part of the bottom of a tree that comes out of the ground. 3) the back part of a car where you can put things.

pollution – garbage that makes the air, water, and land dirty

factories – the places where different things are made

stamp – (n) the thing with ink on it that you press onto paper. (v) to walk in a noisy way

stump – (n) the part of a tree that stays coming out of the ground when the tree is cut down. (v) to confuse

dusk – the time of day when the sun is about to disappear

dawn – the time of day when the sun is appearing


factory – [FAK TOR EE]


Write about when you visited a park like the one in your Wonders book on page 54 & 55.