VIP Class Notes (Mark) [S]


display – a place where things are shown, like on a shelf or a table.

hanger – what you put clothes on when you hang clothes in a closet

mojo – magic or special power

Captain America has major mojo!

drat – a word someone says when they are not happy.

Drat! I have many dirty dishes to wash!

cupboard – where you put cups, bowls, and plates

After I wash and dry the dishes, I put them in the cupboard.

a cook / a chef – someone who makes food

The cook made us lunch.


“take life easy” – means to relax and not do a lot of work.

“down in the dumps” – means not happy – sad

“back in time” – like living yesterday again,  or when you were four


“that’s funny” – can mean funny like “hahaha!” OR can mean “that’s strange”

mangle – [MANG GIL]

lying – [LIE ING]

closet – [CLAH ZIT] sounds like “blah”

cupboard – [CUB BERD]

Victoria – [VIK TOR EE AH]

Edward – [ED WORD]