VIP Class Notes (Mark) [S]


wedding – [WEH DING]

certificate – [SER TI FI KET]

casual – [CAZJ UAL]

usual – [YOO ZJUAL]


anticipate – to be ready to do something as soon as you see it needs to be done

Cantonese – guang dong / Hong Kong food

loafer – “driving shoes”

checkered – small boxes

eyelid – the skin over the eye

pale skin – lighter skin

dual citizenship – has two passports

renounce – to give up (like, citizenship of a country)

Speaking exercise

Not big eye. He wears t-shirt with some white lines. Another brand he usually buy from is Geox. His company prize him a cup named The Best Employee – I see it The Best Actor. I usually laugh with him about this. At home he’s a good actor of a husband, boyfriend, son. Life is a lot of movie. You need to put your performance in that. You need to put your right personality in right place. He’s not only good at it, but he enjoys in it.


Not big eye His eyes don’t look big. He wears checkered t-shirts with some white lines. Another brand he usually buys from is Geox. His company prize awarded him a cup named The Best Employee – I see it as The Best Actor. I usually laugh with him about this. At home he’s a good actor of who plays a husband, boyfriend, son. Life is a lot of movie. You need to put your performance in that. You need to put your right personality in right place. He’s not only good at it, but he enjoys in it.