VIP Class Notes (Mark) [S]


quarantine – an amount of time a person who might have a disease is kept away from others to prevent spreading

episode – one television show. like chapters in a book.

deceive – to trick someone

deceptive – being a tricky person

Autobots – good Transformers, and Optimus Prime is their leader

Decepticons – bad Transformers, and Megatron is their leader


deceive – [DEE SEEV]

deceptive – [DEE SEPT IV]

quarantine – [KWAR IN TEEN]

episode – [EP I SOAD (like TOAD or ROAD)]

pyramid – [PEER A MID]

decepticons – [DEE SEPT I CONS]

Speaking exercise

Describe your bedroom.

On the right is the bed. And the left is the closet. And besides the closet is the…The windows are in the back of room. There are very big spiders. They are as big as this room. Not legs just one body. My grandmother tell you. But when I was in the car to arrive to my grandmothers house. When I open the door it come out. When I was small I have put a lot of sticker on the walls. Some stickers are fallen out. In the living room, beside of my bed, it is where my desk is. It is in the living room.


On the right is the bed. And on the left is the closet. And besides beside the closet is the piano. The windows are in the back of the room. There are very big spiders. They are as big as this room. Not the legs just one the body. My grandmother tells you me. But when I was in the car to arrive to at my grandmother’s house. When I opened the door it come came out. When I was small I have put a lot of stickers on one of the walls. Some stickers are have fallen out off. In the living room, beside of my bed, it is where my desk is. It is in the living room.


An old man lived in a house with a garden. The old man hid his gold coins in a hole under some stones in the garden. Every day, before going to bed, the old man went to the stones where he hid his gold and counted the coins. He continued to do this every day, but not once did he spend any of the gold he saved.

One day, a thief saw the old miser’s routine. That night, he waited for the old man to go back into his house. After it was dark, the thief went to the hiding place and took the gold. The next day, the old man found that his treasure was missing and started crying loudly.

His neighbor heard the old man’s cries and asked what happened. On learning what happened, the neighbor asked, “Why didn’t you save the money inside the house? It would’ve been easier to get the money when you had to buy something!”

“Buy?” said the miser. “I never use the gold to buy anything. I was never going to spend it.”

On hearing this, the neighbor threw a stone into the hole and said, “If that is the case, save the stone. It is as worthless as the gold you have lost.”

Please tell me the meaning of the story.