VIP Class Notes (Mark) [S]

Speaking exercise

If people have pressure, art can make people feeling comfortable. Sometimes I feel blue, I just stay in my home and drawing something.

Sometimes my boss require me create some window display.

If we help a brand make some good traffic in a store… Maybe some customer can focus windows and but clothes.

Sometimes I think if I saw a window that put many information in windows, but if I customer I cannot catch what they are promotion to me. Sometimes put discount information and new arrivals information together – make customers confusing.

I know a artist, maybe is a clothes designer is Vera Wong. She very like clothing design but very old age she go to university study this part. She has passion to design.


If people have pressure, art can make people feeling comfortable. Sometimes when I feel blue, I just stay in my home and drawing something.

Sometimes my boss requires me to create some window display.

If we help a brand bring make some good traffic into a store… Maybe some customers can focus on a brand’s windows and buy clothes.

Sometimes I think if I saw would see a window that put has many a lot of information in windows, but if I were a customer I cannot could not catch what they are promotion promoting to me. Sometimes they put discount information and new arrivals information together – that makes customers confusing confused.

I know an artist, maybe she is a clothes designer is named Vera Wong. She very really likes clothing design but at a very old age she go went to university to study this part. She has passion courage to design.


clothes – [sounds like CLOSE but with TH before the S]

comfortable – [CUMF-TER-BUL]


courage – yong qi