VIP Class Notes (Mark) [S]


patriots – [PAY TREE ITS]


crutch – something relied upon, potentially in excess

Speaking exercise

The theme is about a successful customer story. For preparing it, I had a class with teacher. Like, I can give a simple introduction first. I can give a question to attract the audience attention. Because my speech was about a successful customer story, so I didn’t talk a long time about. And the story is about one of my clients. They didn’t had a very good as performance in the first place. At the end they increase the spending. And now they are my top 2 client. My job is to help our clients to better use our platform. We compete together and the leadership team will select a final winner. Because you are representing for your team.


The theme is was about a successful customer story. For To preparing prepare for it, I had a class with teacher Tom. Like, I can could give a simple introduction first. I can could give a question to attract the audience‘s attention. Because my speech was about a successful customer story, so I didn’t talk a long time about it. And the story is about one of my clients. They didn’t had have a very good ad performance in the first place. At the end they increased the spending. And now they are my top 2 second biggest client. My job is to help our clients to better use our platform. We compete together and the leadership team will selects a final winner. Because you are representing for your team.