VIP Class Notes (Mark)

Speaking exercise

In China we will go to a tea bar. America people like to go to a bar. Make some drink.
In China we will go to a tea bar. American people like to go to a bar. Make Have some drinks. They like to have a drink. They like to have something to drink. They like to drink.

Because you go to supermarket you need to drive a car.
Because when you go to the supermarket you need to drive a car.

Because going to supermarket you need to drive a car.
Because when going to the supermarket you need to drive a car.

Because having baby you need to be responsible.
Because having baby you need to be responsible.

Because when you have a baby you need to be responsible.

No ticket – total free.
No ticket – totally free.
(totally / completely)


swearing – [SWARE ING]

ceremony – [SERA MO NEE]

constitution – [CON STI TOO SHUN]

declaration – [DEK LOR A SHUN]

exceptional – [EK SEP SHUN AL]

allegiance -[A LEE JINTS]


Read a portion of your VOA book and write a summary about what you read.

question ideas:
* What has surprised you when you’ve met people from other countries?
* What do you like about your culture?
* What don’t you like about your culture?