VIP Class Notes (Li)[W]

Today we focused on:

Phrasal verbs


surprised by sth/shocked

split/divide a group/people/money

human nature – natural ways of behaving that most people share

ex. It’s in human nature to fight or flight in danger.

grow out of sth –  stop doing a habit or action

ex. My brother grew out of playing toys a few years ago.

make out – try to see, hear or understand

ex. I can’t really make out what the teacher is saying.

set off – start a trip

ex. We’ll set off tomorrow at 8 AM.

neat – opposite of messy

ex. She folded all the clothes neatly before she put them in the closet.

Writing exercise

The most surprising part for me is the part which after the boys became into two groups, a boy call “Piggy” was killed in the argument between two groups. The boy who killed him even didn’t care about this. It seemed that the boys on the island start to be cruel to each other. It showed us the dark side of the human mind. I felt very surprise about the cute children’s changes in the film, and I hoped that this situation will never happen in the society.


The most surprising part for me is the part where after the boys split/divide into two groups a boy called “Piggy” was killed in the argument between both groups. The boy who killed him didn’t even care about this. It seemed that after the boy’s death, the other boys on the island start to be cruel to each other. It showed us the dark side of the human mind/nature. I felt very surprised by the cute children’s changes in personality in the film, and I hoped that this situation will never happen in the society.