VIP Class Notes (Li)[W]


Pick a topic to speak for 3-5 minutes.


to go bankrupt /out of business 

eg. Some companies went bankrupt this year because of the virus situation.

to think about brand new concepts 


for + noun 

ex. I work for ABC company.

ex. There’ll be a prize for the best entry.

eg. You need to type your password for each payment.

the – for countries that end with “S”

ex. The US/The UK/ The Phillippines/The Netherlands

Speaking exercise

I have kind of background of computer science.

I think study is a good way to deal with major problems in our life. If I don’t study I have to work and I have to face many problems in society.

This year’s the situation about employment is not very good – it’s not optimistic for me. Because of COVID-19, many people lost their jobs and many companies bankrupt.

There’s been a kind of virus coming out.

Some of my classmates haven’t finished and their computers were hacked and they couldn’t open it.


I have some background in computer science.

I think studying is a good way to deal with major problems in our lives. If I don’t study, I have to work and I have to face many problems in society.

The employment situation this year is not very good/ideal – it’s not optimistic for me. Because of COVID-19, many people lost their jobs and many companies went bankrupt/out of business. 

There’s been a new/novel kind of virus that has been circulating. 

Some of my classmates haven’t finished and their computers were hacked so they couldn’t open it.

Writing exercise

In my opinion, quantum computers will be the next generation of personal computers. Although the current PC seems to meet our need basically, it has been nearly developed to its limitation by now. As it turns out, our imagination of improvement in personal computer could be predicted. So we need a brand new conception to make everything totally different. And that is quantum computer. I will talk about three conceptions on this topic. Security, efficiency and consistency.

First. Security. There is no doubt that passwords are our best friends, when we make some deals on the Internet. In the past, we used the same password in each payment. In fact, it is not a safe way at the deal. As all we know, if our computer is hacked by hackers and our password is revealed, we have to pay the price for the accident. Then, we got dynamic passwords later, due to the flaw of fixed passwords. We would receive a short message including our password for the payment each time. It is a fantastic way to keep our privacy from being stolen. However, with the development of computer and Internet, things are getting worse. The message could be intercepted. Even worse, our computer is rooted by some computer virus which will capture our privacy at any time. Therefore, the occurrence of quantum computers are excepted to take over everything. Due to the particular mechanism of quantum computers, they could keep secret in any occasions.

Second. Efficiency. Although computers today provide great convenience for us to solve our problem, sometimes they don’t run smoothly as we anticipate. You must have been upset about the efficiency of you own computer. You must encounter the computer crash. You may be an engineer or a video maker who has a high demand of your own computer. When your computer freezes up, you might be mad about it. As an student majoring in electronic engineering, I could talk about it more. Sometimes we have to wait for a very long time before the computers complete the procession of our experimental data. Of course, we have data cloud help us solving this issue. However, we must upload to the cloud and we may pay for the analysis sometimes. But when the quantum computers show up, all the computers currently will be eliminated. They will run faster hundreds of thousands of times than the traditional computers. If we compare the rate of computers we use today to the sound, then quantum computers could travel like the light does.

Last. Consistency. Although quantum computers changes a lot, they will not change the way how people use or operate the computer. In a sense, they look like the traditional computers. But essentially, their structure is totally different. They provide better users experience for us, but they don’t change our pattern to use the computer. There must be a switch on the computer. There must be operation systems. There must be some icon for us to click. So don’t worry. They will treat as rookies.


In my opinion, quantum computers will be the next generation of personal computers. Although the current PC seems to meet our basic needs, it has been nearly developed to its limitation by now. As it turns out, our room for improvement in developing personal computers is becoming predictable. So we need a brand new concept to make everything totally different/for a total makeover/complete breakthrough. And that is the quantum computer. I will talk about/introduce three concepts of this topic. Security, efficiency and consistency.

First. Security. There is no doubt that passwords are our best friends, especially when we make some deals/transactions on the Internet. In the past, we used the same password for each payment. In fact, it is not a safe way to make a deal. As all we know, if our computer is hacked by hackers and our password is revealed, we have to pay the price for the accident. Then, we have dynamic passwords later, due to the flaw of fixed passwords. We would receive a short message including our password for each payment every time. It is a fantastic way to keep our privacy from being stolen. However, with the development of computers and the Internet, things are getting worse/worsening. The message could be intercepted. Even worse, our computer is rooted/infected/invaded by some computer virus which will capture our privacy at any time. Therefore, the occurrence of quantum computers is expected to take over everything/is going to be at the forefront of computers. Due to a particular mechanism of quantum computers, they could keep secret in any occasions.

Second. Efficiency. Although computers today provide a great convenience for us to solve our problems, sometimes they don’t run smoothly as we anticipate. You must have been upset about the efficiency of your own computer. You must have encountered a computer crash. You may be an engineer or a video maker who is regularly in high demand of your own computer. When your computer freezes up, you might be mad about it. As a student majoring in electronic engineering, I could speak from first hand. Sometimes we have to wait for a very long time before the computers complete the processing of our experimental data. Of course, we have cloud backup services to help us solve this issue. However, we must upload to the cloud and we may pay for the analysis sometimes. But when quantum computers show up, all the computers currently will be eliminated. They will run hundreds of thousands of times faster than traditional computers. If we compare the rate of computers we use today to the sound, then quantum computers could travel like how light does.

At last/Lastly. Consistency. Although quantum computers change a lot, they will not change the way in which people use or operate the computer. In a sense, they look like traditional computers. But essentially, their structure is totally different. They provide better user experiences for us, but they don’t change our computer usage patterns. There must be a switch on the computer. There must be one or more operating systems. There must be some icons for us to click. So don’t worry, they will treat us like rookies.