VIP Class Notes (Li)[W]


How do optimists and pessimists deal with problems at work?

Today we focused on:

a/an/the exercises


in 20 years

exchange – trade/swap


practice – things people do as a tradition or custom

eg. It’s common in the US to tip the waiter.

eg. What are some common practices in your culture?

culture – noun

cultural – adj


-al adjectives 


-y adjectives


-ing adjectives


-ive adjectives


-ful adjectives 


-less adjectives 


a house/an hour – not silent/silent aeiou

an uncle/a university – not silent/silent aeiou (y sound)

an M.A/an SMS –  sounds like “em A”/sounds like ess em ess

Writing exercise

Financial system has been developing with the progress of human civilization and technology. People’s social activities began with changing products, and then to changing coins and to using credit cards and to using mobile payment nowadays. Several years ago, we had to waste much time in bank to deal financial needs, and there were lots of bank cards in our wallets. With the rapid development of technology, we can deal most of the financial needs in daily life just with mobile phones. Today, many high-techs’ development exceed our prediction and imagination. We already have AI, voice technology and even interaction tech except network tech. Maybe 20 years later, most of the banks’ functions at present will disappear, and perhaps we can handle daily financial affairs just with our thoughts.


The financial system has been developing with the progress of human civilization and technology. Nowadays, people’s social activities began with trade/trading goods, and then to exchanging coins and to using credit cards and then to mobile payments. Several years ago, we had to waste much time in the bank to deal with financial needs, and there were lots of bank cards in our wallets. With the rapid development of technology, we can deal with most of our daily financial needs just with mobile phones. Today, many high-techs’/modern technology developments exceed our prediction and imagination. We already have AI, voice technology and even interactive tech except for network tech. In 20 years maybe most of the banks’ functions at present will disappear, and perhaps we can handle daily financial affairs just with our thoughts.

In Chinese traditional cultural, when we treat others to dinner, the more dishes the better, this habit is for showing hospitality. It will be a little bit awkward if all dishes are finished. Because we went through a long time of food shortage before, so the sufficient food means a rich life. However, we are confronting new challenges of food shortage now, something like floods, pandemics and locusts disaster are all harmful to agriculture. Furthermore, there are still lots people of cannot get enough food. So, nowadays, food is still a critical resource. Recently, Chinese government start a campaign named “clean plate†to encourage people to reduce food wasting. The restaurants waiters will remind customers when they order too many dishes.


In Chinese traditional culture, when we treat others to dinner, the more dishes the better this practice is for showing hospitality. It will be a little bit awkward if all dishes are finished. Because we went through a long period of food shortage before/prior, so the sufficient food means a rich life. However, we are facing new challenges of food shortage now, natural disasters like floods, pandemics and locusts disaster are all harmful to agriculture. Furthermore, there are still lots of people that cannot get enough food. So, nowadays/at present, food is still a critical resource. Recently, the Chinese government started a campaign named “clean plate†to encourage people to reduce food waste. Restaurant waiters will remind customers when they order too many dishes.