VIP Class Notes (Li)[W]

Today we focused on:

Adverbs + worksheets


correction tape: what you use to erase what you’ve written with a pen

erase: get rid of writing on paper

seal: the animal that polar bears like

posters: big piece of paper with pictures and writing

softly – not verb loud

eg. She speaks very softly so others can’t hear her.

eg. People have told her that she should speak softly.


Adverbs – describes the verb

He is a good driver – with adjective

He can drive well – with adverb

examples of adverbs:

ex. fast/quickly/slowly/quietly

*many end in -ly 

adjective -> adverb 

angry -> angrily 

sad -> sadly 

happy -> happily 

fast -> fast 

hard -> hard 

bad -> badly 

good -> *well 

Writing exercise

Polar Bear

Polar bears are the biggest animals on the land.

They live in arctic ocean.

They like eating posters.

Sometimes they eat fish, too.

They have snow-white fur.

Touch them, they are very soft.

Do you like polar bears.


Polar bears are the biggest animals on the land.

They live in the arctic.

They like to eat seals. 

Sometimes they eat fish, too.

They have snow-white fur.

Their fur is very soft so it’s nice to touch them.  

Do you like polar bears? Â