VIP Class Notes (Li)[W]


1) Practise reading the article at home and try to improve your tone

2) Make a plan and pick out 5 important points from the reading. Then write a paragraph to summarise the reading.


I am 5 years old/I am 5 years of age/He is a 5-year-old boy/He is a 5-year-old

multiply by sth

7 multiply by 7 equals

address(1): where you live

address (2): to answer/find a way to respond to something

eg. Researchers have been unable to address the mystery behind how dogs age.

eg. My manager tried to address these issues by talking to senior management.

formula: 公式

a little more/a bit more


talking about possession

dog’s age/my car’s engine

by – process/method

By exercising every day, you can lose 2kg a week.

You can get the answer by adding all the numbers.

as – conjunction

As you age, you will have more wrinkles on your face.

As he gets older, he will begin to learn the truth.

as well as – and

I like sushi as well as Japanese hotpot.

Writing exercise

People always work out their dogs age in “ human years” multiply seven. However, researchers think it’s incorrect, they think DNA analysis is the best way to accurate mammal’s age. Researchers analyzed 105 Labrador’s blood samples, then they conclude from the studies that a one year old dogs is similar to a 30 years old people, a four years old dog is similar to a 52 years old, and when dogs reached seven years old, its ageing slow. However, the new formula is also not a precisely formula because different breeds of dog age at different speeds.


People always work out their dog’s age in “ human years” by multiplying by seven. However, researchers think it’s incorrect. They think DNA analysis is the best way to accurately work out a mammal’s age. Researchers analyzed 105 Labrador blood samples, then they concluded from the studies that a one-year-old dog is similar to a 30- year-old person. A four-year -old dog is similar to a 52-year-old, and when dogs reach seven years of age, they age slowly. However, the new formula is also not a fool-proof/an accurate formula because different breeds of dogs, age at different speeds.