VIP Class Notes (Li)[W]

Today we focused on:

Use of conjunctions


choice: to have an option

eg. You have the choice to choose your favourite character.

chance: 机会;时机

eg. He might have the chance to move for work.

eg. Sarah doesn’t have many chances to see her friends.

hide from sbd/sth: to not get found/seen by somebody or something

eg. I hide from the monster so that I will not get killed.

eg. William hides from me so that he doesn’t have to have class.

weapon: 武器

protect: to keep someone or something safe 保护,防护

eg. The firefighter protected the little girl from the fire.

eg. It’s important to protect yourself from the virus by wearing a mask.

springs: 弹簧

drown: to die in water 溺死

eg. I don’t want to go on a boat because I might drown in water.

eg. Many animals were drowned by the tidal wave.

sunburn: to get burnt by the sun

eg. His neck became sunburnt after spending several hours on the beach.

seasick/carsick/travel sickness

eg. I might get seasick if I go sailing,

pregnant: have a baby inside the body 怀孕

eg. She thinks that she is pregnant so she decides to get a check-up.

eg. How did you know that she is pregnant?


conjunctions – to connect information/ sentences together

and, so, but, if, although


Mr Bean saw the two thieves at the supermarket. He wanted to chase them.

Mr Bean saw the two thieves at the supermarket and he wanted to chase them.

He is tall and fat.


He is tall and fat so he can’t run fast.

He woke up late so he missed the bus.…. 

He is tall and fat so he can’t run fast.

Li is tired today and he forgot to come to class so I didn’t have Li today.


Today is sunny and I want to go swimming but the radio says “today will rain” so I don’t go swimming.

I want to go swimming but I have to work so I don’t go swimming.


Although today is raining I also need to go to school.

He had no chance to win the game although he is hiding from the monster.

Writing exercise

One day, Mr Bean saw two thieves on TV. Then Mr Bean went to the supermarket to buy some things. He found the two thieves were in the supermarket too. They stole many things in the supermarket. And they stole Mr Bean’s food. Mr Bean wanted to chase them. But they ran to the park. Then Mr Bean found the two thieves were selling teddy bears in the park. Mr Bean had an idea. He tied all the teddy bears to his car. The thieves wanted to pick the teddy bear, but finally, they were tied to the tree. Mr Bean won at the end.


One day, Mr Bean saw two thieves on TV. Then, Mr Bean went to the supermarket to buy some things/food/to go grocery shopping. He found the two thieves at the supermarket. They stole many things there and they stole Mr Bean’s food. Mr Bean wanted to chase them. But, they ran to the park. Then, Mr Bean found the two thieves were selling teddy bears in the park. Mr Bean had an idea and he tied all the teddy bears to his car. The thieves wanted to pick the teddy bear, but finally, they were tied to the tree. Mr Bean won at the end.